Comprehensive Profile

When you enter a user profile in CRM, all information and records of that customer should be quickly viewed and tracked by the expert. Then, any necessary operations for that customer must be performed swiftly. Our CRM is designed and developed based on this crucial principle.

Additionally, in the La24CRM profile, we have provided features for the system administrator to configure the profile according to organizational policies and make practical use of it.


Advanced Search

Search with any information
Synchronized with custom fields and other information


Easily set follow-up and reminders for yourself or other employees
Nothing will be forgotten

Import Data

Easily import customer information into the system using an Excel file.
Import customers with an Excel file.


For each role or person in the organization, specify what information to view and what action to take
Set permissions such as viewing, editing, management operations, etc. for each person or role

User Coloring

Set different attributes and assign to each profile
Knowing the moral characteristics of customers can help you to provide better services

Target Groups

Create temporary groups to separate users and run your campaign
Before running the campaign, first organize the data with a special tool

Profile Responsibles

In commission-based sales systems, it is important to differentiate the customers of each expert. Solve this issue with an advanced system for the first time in all CRMs
Manage permission to access profiles, view information and other operations with this feature for each expert

Compatible with Form Builder

You can assign any form you created in CRM to a customer and view it in the profile records.
Message to customer or system employees is another feature that you can adjust according to different events

Dublicate Customers

Various tools for identifying duplicate customers and merging their information
It's time to organize your customer information so they are ready for the introduction of your other products or for future sales.

Custom Fields

Easily create any field such as height, national code and any other information you need to be stored in the customer profile
More than 15 types of fields such as file uploader, long text, numeric field, etc. with special settings

Automatic Program

Create a comprehensive plan for a new client This program runs automatically at the specified time
Sending messages, assigning responsibilities, creating follow-ups, and other programs that you can automate for your new customers or leads.

And ...

Features that are added to the system every day
Every day, we are in the process of development.

Introduction to other features of the La24CRM