CRM integration
with WooCommerce

The exceptional compatibility of CRM LA24 with WooCommerce provides you with the capability to effortlessly manage orders and other WooCommerce features.

WooCommerce’s features as an e-commerce platform are truly outstanding. We’ve identified the gaps in this system and integrated them into our CRM software, La24CRM, to provide you with a comprehensive solution without the need for additional plugins for any system changes.

Woocommerce Icon

Some of the CRM features for WooCommerce

Printable Invoice

Create a standard invoice for printing from CRM with professional settings
Integration with active and inactive taxes/customization of the invoice environment.

Order History

By opening the profile, you can view, edit, and quickly create all user purchase history
In the user profile, view all purchase information, including items, orders, and more.

Duplicate Customers

By running this program, identify duplicate users and merge their information for consolidation
Information such as WooCommerce orders and other CRM-related data is identified and merged for duplicate users. If a customer has placed orders with multiple accounts, it's time to consolidate all their orders into one profile and eliminate other redundant profiles

Order's Permissions

Specify the information and actions visible to each role or individual in the organization
Set permissions such as view, edit, managerial operations, etc., for each individual or role. For example, allow a warehouse manager to only view and edit orders in the "Ready to Ship" status.

Scrum Boards

Manually or automatically move your desired order into the Scrum board based on status changes and manage order-related tasks from there.
The Scrum board (Kanban) is a project management methodology that you can use in various parts of the system.

Custom Fields

Store any type of information, such as numeric fields, text fields, etc., for orders
With the La24 form builder, add any field to the WooCommerce order form, search based on them, and generate the necessary output

Order's Responsibles

The responsibles system in La24CRM allows you to categorize information and tasks based on the responsibilities of individuals
Create customizable responsibles such as financial manager, sales manager, support manager, etc. Generate outputs from them or set access permissions based on these responsibles as needed.

Custom messages

Configure SMS or email notifications for customers, managers, and employees with changes in order status
Messaging to customers and system employees is another feature that you can customize according to various events as per your preferences

Order Statuses

Configure order statuses based on your store's processes
Customize the default order statuses in WooCommerce as you see fit

Quick creation of invoices

Your sales experts can easily create invoices (orders) for customers with just a few clicks
Compatible with all order information in WooCommerce (shipping, taxes, discounts, billing address, shipping address, etc.)

Conversion of guest orders

Automatic program for assigning a user to orders registered as guest in the system.
By running this program for guest orders in WooCommerce, assign either an existing user in the system or a new user. This program is executed automatically for data organization and the seamless integration of customer records

Order Follow-ups

Easily set up tracking and reminders for orders
Your sales expert can effortlessly track and follow up on order-related tasks by setting reminders and tracking.

And Other Integrations...

These integrations are endless; we've considered features everywhere to facilitate store management in every aspect.

Images of the environment and settings for
CRM integration with WooCommerce

Introduction to other features of La24CRM