Email and
Sms Marketing

Send messages to your customers or leads with just one click! In La24CRM, we’ve prepared a set of tools to make running your advertising campaigns easy and efficient.

Queue to send email

Group sending to contacts

Unsubscribe Link

Black List

Scheduled messages

Email anti-spam

Message Templates


Set the email sender for each sender

Remove duplicates before sending

Email and SMS sending buttons everywhere in the system ​

List Pages

Various lists exist in this plugin, such as user lists, lead lists, report lists, and more. Each of these lists displays specific information, and at the top of each list, you’ll find buttons for sending instant emails and group or individual SMS message


In this plugin, each user and lead is assigned a dedicated profile. In these profiles, there’s the convenience of sending individual emails and SMS messages for your ease and speed of work.

Target Groups

In lists and search results, you can group profiles into a target group. Then, within the target group, you can send your desired SMS and email messages collectively for organizing campaigns.

Automatic Workflows

You can send messages to your customers and employees by setting automatic workflows in different events

Images of SMS and Email environment

Introduction to other features of the La24CRM